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Resume Problem - Tracks Start at Beginning

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I am using  +PA (latest build) on an Android car radio - it functions well, however it does not resume playing where the track was when it was turned off - it plays from the beginning of that track.  Annoying if I am listening to a long DJ mix or audio book, less of a pain if a normal album.


I have tried a couple of different methods to have PA auto start using various utilities and by checking the log cat I can see they are calling the intent with 'cmd 3' which I understand is resume playing.


If I don't use any utility to auto-start PA after a cold boot if I then load PA it starts playing but again, at the beginning, so I don't think it is an auto-start issue.


I tried the option in the menu to auto resume playing on load, but no joy.


Any ideas, or how can I confirm if it is being sent a stop command shutting down?



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I wonder if the power is just being cut off when you turn off your car ignition, rather than a tidy shut down? Try pressing pause in Poweramp before turning the system off, and/or exiting the Poweramp app manually before shutting the system down. That will tell you whether the problem is at shutdown or startup.


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I did wonder that, but when the ignition is turned off it does display "Shutting down", so I can only assume it does. Other people with the same unit don't seem to have this issue.

To help me concentrate my efforts troubleshooting in the right place how can I check the last saved resume position - will it be in a sqlite db?

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So I checked the file on the radio this morning before starting PA and it showed the correct track (last listened to), but the position is 0 - this proves it is not updating when shutting down.

When does this file get updated with the resume positon? When PA loses focus, when the service shuts down, etc?

I see it updates with the track id when it plays the next track.

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Well I didn't get anywhere troubleshooting this, and due to all the helpful replies and suggestions, I got so overwhelmed and tried a few other players - Spotify, Google Music, and MP3 Players - Folder Player, and one other I forget - all of which resume perfectly.  In fact I have now stuck with Folder Player as a Poweramp replacement as it just works, perfectly.

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  • 1 month later...

Exact same problem. Incredibly frustrating listening to an audiobook and needing to manually scan through with my fcking finger every damn time I pause it. I literally can have the screen on, Poweramp up, the track playing, and then press pause, turn off the car, see that right after the car stereo disconnects from the phone, Poweramp simply resets the track position to "0". Ridiculous. Also happens constantly even when not using bluetooth and just listening via the phone's speaker, pausing, opening up later (no bluetooth use at all inbetween), and pressing play. Thanks for the tip about Folder Player, will try that.

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  • 6 months later...

Same problem in my case. I have an Android Car unit rk3188; I use Poweramp because it is a fantastic music player with a lot of features (Covers, connection with last fm, quality of sound..). But the problem is the autostart, no way to disable it. Try Tasker to kill the app whem start, but it takes some minutes to end this task. I am "walking" trying to find a final solution to this problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 years later...
On 4/26/2016 at 7:29 PM, inakynet said:

Finally, I found the solution.

The problem is with the RK3188 Car Head Unit; by default, it starts playing the media player. I don't know the reason why Poweramp is affected.

I found the solution here --> SOLVED

I cant find the solution in the xda thread for the last pottion . Can you please be more specif? Thanks

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