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Edit tags


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I just received a Galaxy Tab Pro running KitKat 4.4.2 after getting it set up i installed Poweramp. I selected this app not only because of it's versatility but also because you could edit tags. When i tried to do the edit (files are stored on the sd card) i get a message "file is read only - can't be edited". Is this due to the change that Google made to the os making it impossible to write to the sd card. If this is true why are you still showing it as a feature on your web site? if it's only workable on older versions of the os you should note that. One assumes that all of the features work when you try/purchase the app.

Ifit is something i am doing incorrectly please advise me on how i can correct this.

Does this problem exist when you download/change art work

Do you have a solution to the problem that doesn't require rooting?

Note: When you click on support at the bottom of th error message nothing happens. Shouldn't it do something?

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Yes, that will be the reason. Some workaround code was added in recent versions, if you see a 'Grant Access' button on the error message (e.g. when you try to delete a song from the SD Card in Poweramp) then press it and see if you can enable access to the folder in question.

Otherwise, rooting is your only option to get around this Google-created problem. Or upgrade to Lollipop, which has better handling options for app access to SD Cards.


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