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Volume "steps"?


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New to Poweramp – one of the reasons I bought it was because my phone (HTC One X+) really annoys me by having big steps between volume levels. In other words, I’m listening to a song, and it’s just a little too loud – I press the Vol down button, but it goes down a lot, then it’s a little too quiet. It really is maddening – it seems to have been designed always to have the volume just above or just below what you want.


So one of the reasons I bought Poweramp was that it has what appears to be an analogue volume control… but I now suspect it isn’t. You can rotate it smoothly (with a lot of practice) to wherever you want – but then, when you release your finger, it jumps to the nearest pre-programmed position.


Am I right about this? Is there anything I can do? The preset positions are, of course, exactly he same as those integral to the phone – ie always too high or too low, and too far apart.


Thanks :mellow:



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I think Poweramp just sends volume up/down commands to the system so will work in the same steps. If you want finer low-level control, you could try adjusting the equaliser pre-amp setting to make everything quieter overall, so each volume step changes the output by a smaller amount.


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