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Play Album by album not songs by name


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i like to choose an artist from Poweramp, just click long on him and choose "play" to start playing all the music i have from that specific artist.


On my old phone it used to start playing the first album (order by years). After i moved to my new phone Poweramp now starts to choose ALL tracks from that artist and order them by name. So it mixes up all the albums and starts with the song called "A..." followed by "B..." etc.


Does anyone know how to fix that? It really wasnt that way on my old phone and i would like to have it back the way it was.


Thanks in advance. :)

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Thanks Andre! i had a similar question and this answered it.  


I have another question :-)  I start play from Artist mode, with Artist List Options set to sort By Year.  I have Shuffle set to Shuffle Songs, Lists In Order, and Advance List is turned on.  When I hit the Next List Button, it doesn't shuffle, it goes to the start of the next Artist/album alphabetically.    is there a way to make this shuffle to a random album by any artist?


Shuffling albums with these same settings does work when starting play from Album mode. It let's me jump to the first song of a new album and play's that album in order. Thanks.

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You have selected to keep your lists in order and randomise the songs within them (i.e. albums/artists/whatever mode you are playing in, will play back in that correct order).

To get a random album choice (but with the tracks within it played in order) choose "Shuffle Lists, Songs in Order".


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