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Pretend to delete

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It's annoying to not be able to delete files.  Especially when you cannot root your phone.  I know it's not your fault.


But maybe there is a way around it? 


Perhaps a feature that when enabled over takes the delete, and files that are "deleted" they are put into a DB and hidden from playlists, scans, etc.  Then some method to export that list so a user can delete them the old fashion way later.

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Sadly the only way around it is to either not use KitKat in the first place, or to root your phone and make one very minor edit to a permissions text file.

Either that, or complain to Google and/or your phone manufacturer that having an "external storage card" which your apps aren't actually allowed to store anything on is blatant false advertising and see what they say?


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I agree, if you ask an app to delete a file (or update it, or create a new one, or move it to a new folder) then an operating system's job is to do just that. Stupid Google.

Just imagine if PCs did that: you can use a USB memory stick, but you can't actually save anything to it, there'd be uproar!


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...cannot root...


What is it that prevents you from rooting? Maybe there's a way around it.


Meanwhile, you might get by if you can at least edit ID tags. Poweramp apparently will not queue songs with certain characters in the album, track title, etc. field. Try putting an A-E character in there or an accent'd character as in this post:



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