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Often skips to next track after car stereo returns to Bluetooth music playback

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Symptom:  When my car stereo (Pioneer AVH-X5500BHS) tries to resume Bluetooth audio playback (such as after turning the car back on, or after finishing a phone call), Poweramp often (but not always) skips to the next track after playing about 1 second of the current track.


The problem does NOT happen with the stock Music player on my Galaxy S3 (T-Mobile).  There have been no updates to my car stereo.



1.) Have a song playing in Poweramp over my car stereo's Bluetooth connection.

2.) Do something to make Poweramp automatically pause, such as turning off the car, or making/receiving a phone call.  (I may have seen it when just switching to the radio and back on the car stereo, but I'm not sure and I can't make it happen that way now.)

3.) Return to Bluetooth playback via the car stereo (such as turning the car back on or finishing the phone call).


This is extremely annoying!  I'd like to keep using Poweramp, but I am really sick of only hearing a portion of many songs (most of my car trips are short, so I run into this problem multiple times every day).


I don't think this used to happen; it may have started with a Poweramp update 3-4 months ago.


As a paying Poweramp owner, I'd be extremely grateful for your team to take a look at this.

  • Poweramp version:  2.0.9-build-530 Full Version
  • Device model:           Samsung Galaxy S3 (T-Mobile)
  • Android version:        4.1.1
  • Custom ROM:           N/A

(I will send the CatLog report separately.)




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  • 2 months later...

Thanks for mentioning.  I have the same experience.  I thought I was going nuts but now your confirmation makes me know I am not imagining the skipping.  I have other issues though including pausing after restarting and some stuttering.  

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  • 3 months later...

I'm 99% sure this is a Android issue, even though 4.3 was certified by the Bluetooth group.  I've had (Alpine radio) and heard about the same issue with just about all BT devices since 4.x came out.   (I'm currently using a "plain Jane" Note 3 w/4.3, but my bionic did the same thing after I went to 4.x))  I think the car radio makers assume you'll have a eyefone, so only test with that.


To me, it's really a pain, as I listen to Audio books with Poweramp, and some of their tracks are an 1hour plus!!!

I've ask that some kind of delay be added to Poweramp before it "listens" to BT commands, but as always, all I get are deaf ears.  (Connect to BT, Wait 2 seconds (user adjustable) while receiving BT (FF/REV only?) and confirming commands but doing nothing with them, dump all received BT commands, start paying attention to BT commands, QED)

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