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Sony Xperia Tablet S SD card not recognized by Poweramp: sdcard2 accessible?


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Hi guys,

I recently bought the Sony Xperia Tablet S (16GB 3G) and did the very smart move to update it to the Firmware 6b...

The plan is to store the music on the cheap (sort of, at least) 64GB SD card. ES file manager recognizes it and all music files are accessible. But Poweramp doesn't find the SD card. I only get a warning message in the music folder selection: Some storage is not mounted (which it is).

The problem seems to be, that Poweramp only sees the internal storage (sdcard1) and not the external (sdcard2).

Is this solvable from the app end? I (and many other Xperia Tablet S owners) would certainly appreciate the help, it's the biggest issue with the device yet. With the solution I could easily wait for the next ROM to root and you guys have done everything wonders for me before ;-).

Thank you for your help and expertise.

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