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how about a offline license?


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i'm using a Eonon UA12S Plus-6G  that runs Android 13 maybe that's the issue?

Here is exactly what happens.
I setup it up and validate the license by my email and order number.  so far so good.
Now if I go into factory settings and simply change the mic gain or the volume offsets it has to do a cold reboot  aka a full reboot.
it's not doing anything special just reboots and when I do that my license is gone and I have to go do the whole restore purchase thing over and over again LOL
So normally it does a warm boot from a low power state and it seems to be fine doing that.

 It's reverts to a new installed state and shows the hint's on the screen and have to uninstall it to get it to restore the purchase sometimes.   I tried clearly the cache etc and when you 
go to storage options it brings up some power amp menu instead of the usual clear user data. 

I could take a video of it as it's super easy to reproduce and does it every single cold boot LOL

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1 hour ago, andrewilley said:

A cold boot (basically just cutting the power) would not give apps enough time to save their status, so is never a good idea. Try ensuring that status has been saved (app fully exited after status shows as Saved) before doing anything like that.


Hi Andre, it's a cold boot compared to the warm lower power standby boot these head units have.  It's not actually just blinking out by cutting the power.  Maybe a better term would be a full reboot.
It's not a hard reboot where power is cut but a cold reboot vs a warm standby boot. 
So to be clear it's not cutting power at all.  

It's like holding the power button down on your phone and selecting shut down or reboot.

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20 minutes ago, snorkel said:

It's like holding the power button down on your phone and selecting shut down or reboot.

The problem is that Android car headunits often don't do this properly. They are meant to send shutdown intents so that any running app can save its status and exit cleanly before the system closes down. Often they either don't send one, or sent a non-standard intent, which means the app effectively is just killed.

See Max's reply in this thread:


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hmm that thread is about sleep mode.  Poweramp survives just fine if the head unit goes into it's low power standby fast boot ( which is just sleep mode)
It also survives just fine if I do a force stop and just blink it out that way.  No graceful shut down but it still works.
It's only when a full reboot happens.  I tried saving the settings and restoring but that didn't work either because after the reboot it goes back to trial mode.
It's like the user data (not the cache) is getting wiped out just for power amp. 


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