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Hide Unmounted


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I know this has probably been asked, but how do you not show Unmounted storage that has previously been scanned in the library without a full rescan each time. Should be able to pull out thumb drive and see only what's left on the device.


I have all the autoscan features set, seems to make no difference.

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PA is specifically designed to not wipe out people's entire Libraries when a storage is (possibly temporarily) unmounted. Prior to this, there we a lot of complaints about music collections, ratings, play counts, internal (database stored) playlists, etc being wiped just because (for example) an external storage was not yet mounted when PA first checked for available folders.

There is an option in Settings=>Library=>Scanner to force a scan on USB or SD Card mount or disconnection though, but I'm not 100% whether it will remove songs when a whole major folder hierarchy is missing (it probably does not, because it most likely triggers a simple rescan rather than a Full Rescan).

[Edit] Hmm, I just tested by renaming my single master music folderk, so PA could not longer see it when I next started the app, and all of my music collection had vanished immediately. Renaming the correct folder name back again caused a Full Rescan to occur in order to find all my music again. After the scan, ratings and play counts had been wiped, and internal playlists were unlinked from their music content (placeholder filenames were visible but not playable, it needed a specific 'Rescan/Resolve Playlists' to relink the actual song files) . That wasn't what I was expecting, as I thought PA would act as though the storage had been unmounted, but clearly that is handled as a separate process.


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