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New stream urls not playing?

Larry 609

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Yesterday, I put in three new radio stream links for the player. Two of the three will not play any audio at all, and one of them will only playback audio in a stuttering fashion.

These links all appear to be accurate and will play properly on other music programs (ex. iTunes and an ipadOS stream player). I refreshed the library this afternoon and restarted the app and phone, to see if any of those things were a factor. But nothing seemed to work.

For what it's worth, all of the other streams that I had inputted long before this appear to be working properly.

Any ideas on what may be going on here? If I find out before then, I'll be sure to post what I did. Thanks in advance!


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Thanks for your patience. I just reviewed the three links again and was able to "solve" two of them. One was just missing the "c" in ".aac" at the end and now works properly! And the other was an m3u8 link, but I found an mp3 equivalent and am using that now.

Here is the third link I tried putting in. I have read the stuff about m3u8 links on here, but I find it odd that I was able to put these types of urls in Poweramp before, and those are still working properly. I'm not able to find a direct mp3 or such link for the below one at this time.


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M3U8 files are playlists, not the actual streaming URLs in themselves. They can of course contain streams though, and if you save them into a PA scannable location they should show up in the Playlists Category.

The one you refer to contains six streams in fact - presumably the same radio station at different quality levels:


You can add any of those https://*****  URLs individually, using the Steams > Add URL feature.


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