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シャッフル機能のデフォルト化 (Default shuffle function)


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At the top of the playlist, just press the Play icon to play in regular order from the start, or the Shuffle icon to shuffle the playlist randomly.

Once playing, you can change your mind by tapping (or long-pressing) on the Shuffle icon on the right-hand side of the player screen, under the artwork area. 'Shuffle Songs' will reshuffle the currently-playing playlist, 'Shuffle Off' will go back to playing the playlist in regular order, or 'Shuffle All' will shuffle everything in your library. The other available options are described in: https://forum.powerampapp.com/kb/en_us/faq/how-to-use-‘repeat’-and-‘shuffle’-in-poweramp-r4/

I think you originally mentioned homescreen shortcut widgets too, in which case you can either tick or untick the 'Shuffle' box when you first define the Playlist Shortcut.


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