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Use downloaded Hi Res Album art automatically

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ver build-911  I have "download album art" and "Hi Res" enabled.  I can select a hi res pic for each song or album.  Is there a way to force Poweramp to ignore embedded file and automatically use a downloaded hi res image. I have 2 thousand albums a daunting task to select manually.

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No, the basic assumption is that if you've bothered to embed a cover image into the physical file, then that should always take precedence over any downloaded images which can be a bit hit-or-miss as they rely on internet searches.

If you have any files for which the embedded images are not correct, just delete all the images using a batch tag editor.


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Thanks for the fast reply Andre.  The accuracy of the album cover is not crucial to me.  I prefer  a hi res photo of the artist.  Is there a recommended tag editor app or program that can automatically replace the embedded file with a hi res image?  I use musicbee on win 7.  Poweramp is on my Galaxy A52.  Is it true when I manually select an image in Poweramp it will remember to use it until I delete the cache?  If so I need to backup those settings.  Is there a detailed PA settings guide available?

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If you manually select a new cover image in PA, that will be used in preference to either embedded or auto-downloaded artwork. Any images you manually choose in PA are stored in Android/data/com.maxmpz.audioplayer/files/selected_aa/. The auto-downloaded versions will be saved in album_art in the same location. You can grab those image files and use them elsewhere if you want, or you can add your own images into that folder as long as you are careful to exactly match PA's file naming protocol format so it can connect them with the relevant songs/albums/etc.

You can use programs like MP3Tag and TagScanner to batch edit artwork into audio files, as while you can batch update as many files at a time as you like, it would still be a bit tedious as you'd have to find an image for each artist and paste them into the software, not a quick task. Auto-searching software would most likely try to find a cover image by Album (or Song) Title, rather than searching for artist photos, but you could try some of them and see if they offer that option. You would still need a degree of manual intervention anyway, as image searches online could return some wild matches.  


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OK I will pick the images with PA and then backup the "files" folder (Android/data/com.maxmpz.audioplayer/files) On a new installation I could replace the files folder with the one I backed up.  Is that correct?  I can do that with X-plore file manager.  Is there a recommended backup app that can do that?  

If I go to settings/album art/delete cache will I lose all my images?  What is the purpose of this function?

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Not all file explorer apps can now access those folders (since yet more Google access lockdowns in Android 11+) but most modern ones can. I use Solid Explorer for what that's worth.

Yes, you can simply copy over a backup copy of that folder's contents to bring back your old downloaded artwork. After changing the content of those subfolders, it's not a bad idea to full exit (force-close) PA and restart PA to clear out anything that's been read and temporarily cached during the current session.

And yes, Delete Cache will delete all previously downloaded images so you can start from fresh if your image selections have gone a bit adrift or maybe you just don't want to use auto-downloaded images any more.


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