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How to export/import top rated?

Go to solution Solved by andrewilley,

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PA saves ratings with its 'Export Playlists' function, so you could add some or all of your music into a temporary playlist, export the playlist to storage as an M3U8 file, and then copy that list back again at a later stage to get the ratings back. Make sure Settings > Library > Playlists > Import Ratings is enabled.

Alternatively, there are external apps like New Playlist Manager that can handle ratings too.


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21 hours ago, andrewilley said:

PA saves ratings with its 'Export Playlists' function, so you could add some or all of your music into a temporary playlist, export the playlist to storage as an M3U8 file, and then copy that list back again at a later stage to get the ratings back. Make sure Settings > Library > Playlists > Import Ratings is enabled.

Alternatively, there are external apps like New Playlist Manager that can handle ratings too.


when i export or import i get the message "Imported playlist:0" ?

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Ratings are only read from suitable playlists if you have Settings > Library > Playlists > Import Ratings turned on. Once you've turned it on, you might want to do a FULL Rescan (in Settings > Library) to force PA to reread the content.

To confirm your playlists actually contain ratings, open one of the M3U8 files in any text editor and make sure it has the PA-specific #EXT-X-RATING lines preceding each song filename, line this:

D0D8-84ED/MusicFolders/Music/Singles/Waiting for a Girl Like You - Foreigner.mp3


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3 hours ago, andrewilley said:

Ratings are only read from suitable playlists if you have Settings > Library > Playlists > Import Ratings turned on. Once you've turned it on, you might want to do a FULL Rescan (in Settings > Library) to force PA to reread the content.

To confirm your playlists actually contain ratings, open one of the M3U8 files in any text editor and make sure it has the PA-specific #EXT-X-RATING lines preceding each song filename, line this:

D0D8-84ED/MusicFolders/Music/Singles/Waiting for a Girl Like You - Foreigner.mp3


Can the songs that rank I don't add it to the playlist be imported? I regularly rate my favorite songs instead of adding it to a playlist. and PA can't overwrite the file when exporting next time

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No, the only method PA provides for backing up ratings is via that extra line which is added to the Export Playlist feature. There is no other automatic backup facility, all ratings are kept in an internal database and not written permanently to files. So if you ever had a system crash and needed to reinstall from scratch, any ratings that you had previously created locally would be lost (along with internal playlists, play counts, etc).

To backup the ratings for everything in your Library, you need to put everything into a temporary internal playlist first. Long-press on any song in the 'All Songs' category, select 'All', and tap '+Playlist'. Use a new list name, such as "Whole Music Library". Then you can use the Export Playlists feature to save that playlist to a permanent file - named Whole Music Library.m3u8 - which will contain an entry for every song in your library. Just save that file away somewhere that PA won't scan, and if you ever do need to restore ratings after a crash or to a new device, just copy the backup file over to somewhere PA is permitted to scan and it will merge the ratings information back in for you.

There are other apps (such as New Playlist Manager) which can read/write/backup this information too, but again that would be a specific task that you need to run periodically, not a regular ongoing backup made whenever you change a single star rating.


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