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Clean Start

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I know some folks enjoy the convenience of having their last played song/queue/list be re-instated as soon as the app launches, (if not automatically start playing).

Myself though, I'm wondering if it's possible to have the option for PA to simply start from my top level view of library (wherever long press on home button brings us to) and not have something from the last playback session already queued and shown in the mini-player.

I don't know if this would interfere with some system logic PA uses on startup to announce/begin its audio session for whatever audio output is to be used.

But, can it be done?

In this one instance I just wish for PA to be slightly more forgetful..


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You can start from the top Library view using Settings > Look and Feel > Start at Library.

However PA always has to have something as its current song, so even if you did clear the last played item, PA would still need to show something (probably the first song in the All Songs list) in its place.


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8 hours ago, andrewilley said:

You can start from the top Library view using Settings > Look and Feel > Start at Library

I'm already using this setting, of course.

8 hours ago, andrewilley said:

PA always has to have something as its current song, so even if you did clear the last played item, PA would still need to show something (probably the first song in the All Songs list) in its place.

That's exactly it, though, the having to have something as its current song on startup..

Why give option to start at top view of the library at all ? I've not selected any options for PA to remember track progress.

Also starting with the exact same song queued (alphabetically) would be even more irritating, so this is probably just a non-starter, no pun intended.

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As I said, the way PA is designed there must be something that is considered the current item, lots of things would break otherwise and buttons would not know how to respond to presses, etc.

Not sure why it bothers you though? You can select another song at will anyway, regardless of what is currently showing (or not).

43 minutes ago, Fitzian said:

Why give option to start at top view of the library at all ? I've not selected any options for PA to remember track progress.

You must have selected it at some point, the default modr is to start at the Player screen.

If you'd prefer to start in one specific category (e.g. All Songs, or Folders) you can set that in the List Options for the top level Library view.


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12 hours ago, andrewilley said:

I was talking about having disabled (or never enabled) any store/restore track progress items. Same for having disabled “Resume on Start” under Headset/Bluetooth -> Audio Focus.

But this prevents playback only, not the recall and queuing of last playback activity.

I’ve already set Poweramp to “Start at Library” otherwise my query/request wouldn’t make any sense.

[None of this is a big deal, it was just a feature request, which inherently is asking Poweramp to do something different than it already does, go figure! If it’s too much of a regression or hurts functionality, them’s the breaks.]

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I did answer your original question of "I'm wondering if it's possible to have the option for PA to simply start from my top level view of library" (yes, it's possible, and you've already done it) but I also said that something must always be treated as the 'current song' as far as the overall logic of the player is concerned. It doesn't need to be actually playing, and the counter can be zeroed if you wish (long-press on Play/Pause), but as long as a music library exists, there will always be something on the main Player screen and in the miniplayer.

You could create some sort of blank placeholder song which shows no details if you want, and name it so it appears at the top of the All Songs list, but I can't see what that would achieve? You can still select a new song at any time, whether the player screen shows something or not, so I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve by having a blank Player screen?


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