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Lyrics over album art?


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Hi Max, thanks for 2.1, now my albumart works!!! Great work, now I can finally move to p2.

But there's one thing that puzzles me about 2.0, and that is how to get lyrics to show over the albumart as in 1.4? That was a freakishly GREAT quality, and for some reason I don't know how to do it now. Now every time I want to see lyrics I have to press menu and lyrics come ugly-like over the whole UI. Please tell me that you're gonna fix this?

Otherwise splendid job!

Oh just one more thing... The most played songs list seems to count song played just by choosing a song... it really should count the songs that have played to the end.

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Also, another thing: 1.4 had the really great ability to jump above two levels with long press on the track - now it only brings choice of album, artist and folder. What that basically means is when listening to an album track and you long press the track you get straight to albums list instead of the album currently playing. Please bring that back or at least give it as an option.

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  • 2 months later...

Also requesting this feature to come back - or a variation of it.

I don't mind having to go to a menu to view the lyrics once, but the main problem I have with v2 is that the lyrics don't change when the song changes. Currently I have to close the previous song's lyrics, go to menu, then choose "Lyrics" again - for every song. Those three steps are three steps too many!

Otherwise, this app is perfect.

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