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Caption and switch in long lasting audio file


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I always listen to music specially long lasting music in only one single audio file. What do you think about develop a feature where it 's possible to have a caption or a bookmark by which is simple to switch between songs in that audio file ?

A feature likes Youtube where users suggest the range of a specific song is currently playing in that audio file. 


Example in Youtube


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It's called a CUE file, which is already supported in Poweramp. See https://wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=Cue_sheet . Poweramp has an option which still allows you to see and play the full length file too if you want to, or to hide the full file and just see the 'virtual tracks' that you have created.

The format is pretty flexible, and you can add as much genre/date/artist/album/title/etc as you like, to allow Poweramp to index it neatly, but basically it only needs to point to the source audio file and provide reference timecodes to indicate where the virtual tracks are meant to start, e.g: 

PERFORMER "Name of Artist"
TITLE "Album Name"
FILE "audio_filename.mp3" WAVE
   TITLE "Track Number One"
   INDEX 00 00:00:00
   TITLE "Track Number Two"
   INDEX 00 03:42:69

Just save that .CUE file in the same location as your audio file.


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