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Force album art download on all files

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I have to travel in a remote location where wifi and cell connectivity will be unavailable; i have a large list of mp3 for which i'd like Poweramp to "pre download" all track art ( i prefer Poweramp downloaded art over other options ) before I leave so it is available/cached. Is there a way to force Poweramp to download all art without actually playing all files. Worst case I'll start playing a full playlist in background but it could take a while as i have over 10k files.... 

Let me know if feasible. Thx

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  • 2 years later...

Adding a vote for this feature. New user, using it on my android head unit in the car which normally will not have any internet connectivity. Would be great to preload it for all the stuff in my library.

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The main reason not would be that It could be a very time- and resource-consuming process. You can simply scroll your way down through the All Songs list though, and covers will be downloaded and cached as you scroll. But as I said, it won't be an especially fast process.


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