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Album Cover


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Es gibt ja unter Poweramp die Möglichkeit, ein Album mit einem Cover zu versehen und da ist es egal, ob man ein eigenes Cover im Mobiltelefon speichert, oder es aus den von Poweramp Vorschlägen wählt. Das Problem dabei ist aber, dass dann immer mindestens ein Song dieses Albums das Cover übernimmt. Ich will aber für jedes Album ein eigenes Cover erstellen, ohne dass die Cover der zum Album gehörenden Songs geändert werden. Wie geht das, wenn es geht?

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If you change the album cover art for any given track, then that new album art will be applied to the whole album. This was something that was added a few years ago by user request, to avoid people having to update their albums song-by-song. The one downside is that if you have individual track art for each song, those will get overridden when you change the overall art (which is what also happens when you set album artwork in the Library > Albums view).

You can do it when using Folders view by the way, using in-folder image files which will be used for the folder level display without overriding track images.

@maxmp would it be worth adding an extra tickbox on the artwork download/selection screen - "Apply image to all songs in this album" - so the user can opt to apply the new image either to the current song only (old PA functionality) or to the whole album (current functionality)? If used from one of the Album views, leaving the box unticked would allow assigning an overall image for a 'various artists' style album in the lists without changing all of the individual track art. I would suggest making the tickbox sticky so it remembers the user's preferred choice next time.


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