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How exactly does Equ work? It goes from 31 to 16k and I don't even know what that means. There's a "Preamp" and I don't know what to do with that other then to just use it like an extra Volume slider. How am I supposed to program these sliders? Thanks! 

P. S. I don't think I posted this question before, but I'm sorry if I did. 

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The bands in a equaliser specify particular frequency ranges (like musical notes) and you can boost or restrict the sounds which all into that part of the audio spectrum. Think of the various bands along the lines of (from left to right, low numbers to high) "very-deep-bass", "not-quite-so-deep-bass", "bass", "lower-middle tones," "middle-tones", "upper-middle-tones", "higher-still-tones", "very-high-tones", "only-dogs-can-hear-this", etc.

To be honest, if you are not clear what frequency bands mean then perhaps the simpler Bass and Treble tone knobs might be more relevant to you?


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4 hours ago, BTR said:

Thank you. Is there a way to program them that makes the songs sound best like, maybe a way that Profesionals would do it? Or is it just preference? 

It is really up to your ears - you use the EQ bands to adjust the output to better match you own particular playback equipment, room layout, headset, etc (or just to make the sound more interesting to you, or to suit your tastes in music listening).


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