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Music and playlist app

Phantom Phreak

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Hello, I need a good app that would copy iTunes music files and playlist over to Android devices. I tried an app that I am not getting help from the developer. 

I bought PA because I love the UI and the ability to make your music play louder via Bluetooth headphones than the stock music players or Google play music. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 


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Hey Andre,

I have a question with PA. when I have it scan or import my playlist music folders it would skip a few songs 49 to be exact. I don't think they are DRM songs because I have replaced them with MP3' versions. I can see them all in Google music app fine and play then fine too but the sound quality is too low that why I prefer PA and the nice UI. 


Thank you,


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First, do they appear in the Playlist but are skipped when you try to play them, or do they not appear in the list at all?

Do the same songs (from those exact audio files) show in Poweramp's regular library view, as if they haven't been picked up in the library. playlists won't be able to use them either.


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Okay, when it first import my music/playlist over it flashed on the bottom screen how many playlists found and the number of songs skipped. When I try to look for the songs manually I can not find the artist or the songs So to answer your question they do not appear in the list at all.


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Then the problem is in the files not being scanned at all, nothing to do with the Playlist itself. Are they in a location that Poweramp is permitted to scan? (Settings > Folders and Library > Music Folders) Also is there anything different about these files compared to those which do scan? 


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Hmm, that's a good question. I just removed the music files and playlist from my SD card and I used SynciTunes Pro to import my music/playlist over again and it's going to the same directory as before and it's copying the very same amount as before. But 49 songs are skipped as before. and some are missing in other playlists as well. Okay here is where it's interesting. I have 2 Android phones a Samsung S8+ and a ZTE Blade Spark. I synced the same iTunes music/playlist on my PC to both devices, and I am getting a different amount of music/playlist on both devices??? To be exact  1185 files already synchronized with dream2qltesq at 
Location /storage/0A5C-5144/Android/data/mahmed.net.synctuneswirelesspro/files/synctunes/ on my Samsung S8+ and 1301 files already synchronized with Z971 at 
Location /storage/emulated/0/synctunes/ on my ZTE Blade Spark. And the playlist is showing 37 playlists selected on both devices but some of the playlists are showing different amounts??? It shows this in all music apps except Google Music. I don't know if it's a PA problem or not. But PA works on both devices, however, it just shows different playlists amounts. I don't know what to make of it to be quite honest. But thanks Andre for listening and for your help. Any input you may have about the issue is appreciated.


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Try copying some of the files which don't seem to scan into PA onto device memory instead of SD Card (make sure the temporary folder you plan use is listed in Poweramp's MusicFolders list). See if a Full Rescan finds them. If not, I suspect there is something odd about the files. If they do scan there, try backing up and reformatting the SD Card and then copying everything back onto it via your PC.


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I will give that a try. I have not reformated my SD card and its filled with stuff. It will take me a little time to find what songs that are not copied over in the playlist so I don't add the same songs over again in the list. I will get back to you and report what happened. Thanks again Andre.


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Okay, I sent my phone back to Samsung since it's still under warranty. It's been acting strange like low music volume, battery overheating when charging, fast battery drainage with minimum app usages. I will copy everything on my SD card to the computer and then format it and recopy to the card and see what happens when I receive my phone from Samsung.


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Okay, I just received my Samsung S8+ and I had reformated my SD card and recopied my files back to the card. I was able to copy all my songs over but still its skipping 49 songs for some reason. What I am thinking is there are still some DRM files that can not be copied over. But for some reason one of my playlist in iTunes is 644 songs but in PA the playlist shows 598 songs? I tried different times to copy or import/export the songs/playlist over and I get different results the highest I got was 609 songs on my playlist. I don't know what is causing it. I get the same amount of playlist on other music players as well. I guess my only option is to painstakingly go through each song and copy what is not in each others playlist and add the songs over. Thanks Andre for your help if you have any other advice to try I'm open to suggestions.


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Hey Andre, okay I DL the iSyncr and gave it a try. I found out why my songs and playlist were not copying over. Some of the songs I had in my library are 128 bit and dated 2005 to 2009. They were DRM and could not be copied. I am glad iSyncr also shows the list of songs that are in question. I had to contact Apple about redownloading them again since they are the older versions. I found that they are no longer available for download and I would have to pay for the newer versions in the higher bitrate. I can't believe this I have over 43 songs and that will add up? So I was given a credit of 5 songs and the rest I would have to buy again. This totally sucks on Apple part! The songs are still on the US Store log so why can't I just redownload the same song just at a higher bitrate? Anyway, I am glad I found out why the playlist was off and the other app I was using to transfer my iTunes library sucks!!!! Thanks for your help Andre Kudos to you.

Best Regards,


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I believe that there are ways to convert DRM songs so they can be played outside of Apple's exclusive protectionist bubble. Obviously I can't advise you what to do, but every so often someone will spam the forums here with links, so perhaps a search for DRM might help?


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Yeah I read somewhere you can convert DRM songs too, but since all mine are 128 bitrates it might sound awful upscaling it to a higher bitrate. I decided to go with Google Play Music to download the songs that were in DRM instead of Apple. It cost me a little but at least I can play it on any platform. Now all music files are showing in my playlist. Now I am just having a small issue with PA not showing the full playlist. I will try and figure it out with rescanning my music library and delete duplicates I have on my SD card. I want to use PA as my main music client since I like that UI and the music boost.


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