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Shuffle explanation


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Hey, I have the full version of powernap. I like the Player, but I can't figure out a few things. I have an SD card for each band a seperate folder and I would like to use shuffle, however the songs repeat after a few songs from time to time. Is there an option to shuffle songs and only have a song repeat after it has played all 300 songs? 

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Correct. The current-song information should always be saved, even through a reboot. However lots of things will cause a shuffle list to get reset. Simply pausing and restarting will probably not  trigger a reshuffle though, unless something else happened during the intervening time.


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Well I guess the issue is that I use Poweramp on my car stereo and it gets shut off permanently when car is off. I guess that's the reason shuffle doesn't work properly then.... :( unless there's some kind of workaround

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Nope, Shuffle will do that during a single session but eventually re-shuffle itself. You could copy all of your songs into a Playlist, randomise it, and then play it from start to finish I guess. But it seems like an awful lot of work for an odd repeated song a few days later.


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