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APM response - 500 NO_MORE_ACTIVATIONS_LEFT issue

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Hello there,

I bought Poweramp about 3 years ago via Website and reinstalled my Android OS very often in this time.
Today morning (after an LineageOS nightly update) while I was listening to some music the APM response - 500 NO_MORE_ACTIVATIONS_LEFT message suddenly appeared and I can't do anything.
It not even told me how often I had activated it and I didn't know that there is a limitation.

I couldn't find any kind of Support-Ticket system so I post my problem in this section.

I hope you can help me solving my problem. Maybe just resetting the counter or porting my license to my google account (want to switch anyway if it's possible).

Good evening and regards


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You can't keep installing the same licensed copy of Poweramp on multiple new devices indefinitely (and each time you install a new ROM, the phone effectively becomes a new device as far as app installation is concerned). The count can be reset in cases where there is a genuine reason for the multiple installations (although the limit is actually fairly high in the first place).

Please could you email with your purchase details to Poweramp.maxmpz@gmail.com.


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