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Poweramp HiRes Audio not working in Android 7 Sony Xperia


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This sort of thing has been discussed quite a bit, many people seem to find that upgrading to nougat breaks the high-res output in the alpha-test release of Poweramp. This should be fixed before the final release of v3, but don't necessarily expect a resolution in the next beta release. If you are still using PA build 703 it's worth trying 704 though as that addresses a few nougat issues.


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6 hours ago, Ziege said:

Kindly be update the expected final release of the same.

When it's finished, is the best answer I can give at the moment.

Max (the sole dev on the project) has been working on the new user interface for about a year now, and he recently said it should be ready for first beta-test release in March. Prior to that he was hoping for January, but with software development it's hard to quantity how long any given task is going to take. Hopefully v3 will be officially released not too long after the beta surfaces, but I can't give you any timeline I'm afraid.


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