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  1. Hi. On my galaxy note 8 new v179 will not let me change anything. Cant ger rid of waveseek any menus buttons etc It's like after the update your skin is not being used at all by Poweramp. It keeps reverting back to Poweramp dark and does not stay on yaps
  2. In Color background options/music background color options I made it black and it's perfect now. Dont know why it didnt work before.
  3. Thanks! I was going to say that has all been done but the play button colors are not behaving
  4. Hi Love the new version Is there any way to make the background of the Poweramp default play button blacker? Im a minimalist and it now doesnt match the black background. I dont know how to do it either. Or maybe you can make a button with just the arrow like it but transparent background? Thanks Amber
  5. When I open Poweramp how do I get this to show. Thanks. am using yaps skin
  6. Hi. Which download has the ball of combustion visual from first post in this thread?
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