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Possible Bug in Indefinite Shuffle


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I've been noticing  this weird little thing for quite a while now, you cannot set Poweramp to shuffle inside a list indefinitely , if you switch both on, it just keeps repeating the tracks alphabetically or if you just set it to shuffle, upon reaching the last track in the list, the playback stops.

Anyone think I'm missing something if I just want it to keep shuffling indefinitely through the list?

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If you set the repeat mode to "Advance List" then when the last song in the last list has played, PA should return to playing back to at beginning of the first list. I assume this also works with Shuffled playback, but with 5000+ songs on my device I'm never likely to find that out!

If you only want to repeat one list (for example an album) in shuffled order, set Repeat mode to 'List' and then Shuffle mode to something like "All Songs, Lists in Order". This will mean that when all of the songs from the current shuffled album have been played, PA will reshuffle the same album and start playing it again. 



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