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That doesn't help me. I didn't go get this. I opened my player to find my skiname gone and went to add it and found it wasn't supported because I'm on am alpha release. I have no idea how I got it. If I uninstall and reinstall from the play store will I get the previousversion? 


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10 minutes ago, Kevinfreels said:

That doesn't help me. I didn't go get this. I opened my player to find my skiname gone and went to add it and found it wasn't supported because I'm on am alpha release. I have no idea how I got it. If I uninstall and reinstall from the play store will I get the previousversion? 


Well I answered this one for myself. The answer is no. I appear to be stuck with a broken Alpha but I didn't ask for.

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See above, you would have accepted an alpha test offer via Google Play. Just unsubscribe from it via the link I previously mentioned (https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.maxmpz.audioplayer) .

New skins will be supported in the final release by the way. This is an early test of new underlying functionality at the moment, rather than the paint job. :) 


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