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Please add a "Stop" option in the shuffle

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When I used jetaudio player, I found that there is a type of shuffles "Stop", It means "Stopping after current track".

I do like this option,maybe you can add it to Amp,and Amp will be the best player for me after adding this funtion.

thank you so much

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16 hours ago, andrewilley said:

That would be an option for the Repeat selector rather than a Shuffle setting. It has been requested a few times in the past actually.


Alright I kown it now.

But your mean is the request has been accepted and the "Stop" function is on the way ? Or refused ?

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The request has been made, the first time was several years ago. Sadly, as my signature says, I help out here with the forums but the developer (Max) decides what he wants to code, so it's just a case of keep mentioning it and hoping he decides to add it.


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