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como hago para escribir las etiquetas???


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Translation (as this is an English-language forum):

I want to change the tags and I can not...

before if I could, but now it tells me that they are just reading and not be can be write labels!

I'm guessing you have at some point changed your ROM to one which does not allow writing to common areas of the SD Card (it's a Google/Android thing). It can be fixed globally if your device is rooted (see http://support.powerampapp.com/knowledgebase/articles/326024-can-t-edit-delete-files-on-sd-card-android-4-4 ) and on many Lollipop ROMs you can get Poweramp bypass this using the Grant Access feature (see the last few messages in http://forum.powerampapp.com/index.php?/topic/7451-grant-access/page-3 ).


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