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Poweramp has deleted, and renamed most of my songs.

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I recently did a rescan when I noticed some albums were missing, when it couldn't find them when I knew they were there I then went on to do a full rescan. When it started, the progress wheel did freeze for a second but then resumed and finished. And still nothing could be found. I then looked through ES File Explorer and they were there, and I also looked on the computer but now most of my music had now been replaced with the mu symbol and strange text.

Now I'm not quite sure what has happened but Poweramp definitely deleted most of my files(my SD card can attest to that). I uninstalled the app and reinstalled in hoping by some dumb luck it would come back but nope it didn't. Now I've never experienced anything like this, and my SD card where I store all my music seems to be in working order and I also haven't installed any new apps, but I did recently update both the trail and unlocker. I'm not sure if it's related but is something to look into.


For the record my phone is a Samsung Galaxy S3 with Nova Launcher running Android 4.3, with a 32GB Sandisk SD card.


To also make it easier to understand, I've included pictures:


Now I've been a longtime user, but this has definitely taken me as a surprise. Music is replaceable but the fact that it could maybe delete something else such as photos indeed has me worried. I'll be cautiously hearing a response before going back and installing Poweramp.



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Most probably, this is an issue with your sd card. Android freezes internally when bad block is accessed.
Poweramp is more sensitive to the bad blocks on sd cards due to the highly optimized songs scanner and wider range of checked files on sd card.
Such sd card issue is better to be fixed early, as it can cause serious data loss.

- check your sd card for errors on computer
- try to backup sd card then reformat and restore
- try another sd card


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I recognize your desription of mu and strange text. My sandisk sdcard had the same issues you describe. Luckily, i realised that it was under a 10 year guarantee. Sandisk have replaced it and all is well. All credit to sandisk.

below a link to a small utility which will definetely tell you if your sdcard has bad blocks.


ps Heise publishes a number of it magazines in Germany.

if your sdcard is sandisk, check your guarantee.



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