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Super noob: Compiling error


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First time doing anything with Android. Go easy on me.

After finding the solution for the missing debug.apk, I'm getting this error with ant jar.

\skin_lib\skin_custom_rules.xml:62: Execute failed: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "${skinlib.aapt}": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified

This error for apkpush, jarpush, and dist:

\skin_lib\skin_custom_rules.xml:131: exec returned: 2

which is referring to skinlib.appt line anyway, I believe. ;_;



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All I have done is change the local.properties, names for the package and author according to the quick start guide, and shoving in a skin_compat-debug.apk. It's also a copy of skin_template. So idk what's up.

I'll try various things and see how it goes again.

  [echo] SKIN: Generating .java from the resources android=C:\Users\Jul\Documents\00\SDK\platforms\android-21\android.jar aapt=${skinlib.aapt}     [echo] SKIN: generating extensionBUILD FAILEDC:\Users\Jul\Documents\00\Workspace\skin_lib\skin_custom_rules.xml:62: Execute failed: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "${skinlib.aapt}": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specifiedTotal time: 1 second

Not sure what's up. :/

Wow support is slow. Oh well. Another project put on hold.

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In this case, most probably, you don't have specific ADT build tools version installed (http://forum.powerampapp.com/index.php?/topic/5047-poweramp-apiskin-sdk-update-2014-11-15/BOTH exactly 20.0.0 and 21.1.1 versions should be installed).


To install them:

- type "android" in console to open Android SDK Manager

- check that Android SDK Build tools 20 and 21.1.1 installed. Install them if not

- any other builds tools can be also installed, but skin sdk requires the "old" 20 to build pre-5.0 and 5.0 compatible skins (Google changed aapt tool a bit regarding resources packaging).



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In this case, most probably, you don't have specific ADT build tools version installed (http://forum.powerampapp.com/index.php?/topic/5047-Poweramp-apiskin-sdk-update-2014-11-15/BOTH exactly 20.0.0 and 21.1.1 versions should be installed).


To install them:

- type "android" in console to open Android SDK Manager

- check that Android SDK Build tools 20 and 21.1.1 installed. Install them if not

- any other builds tools can be also installed, but skin sdk requires the "old" 20 to build pre-5.0 and 5.0 compatible skins (Google changed aapt tool a bit regarding resources packaging).



Yeah I have both installed. :/ I don't know why it's not working out. I'll just have to keep trying.

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