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Material Design for Poweramp.


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I totally agree that Poweramp needs a HUGE UI redesign. Material Design element would be nice to have. But anything new would be good really. I think Material Design animations would also be a nice feature.

I love Poweramp,but the UI is kinda lifeless(a little bit) and definitely needs some updating.

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Personally, and I've said this before, I'd take useful new features and audio quality over the latest trendy new look any day.

Sure both would be nice, but given the fact that there is only one developer for Poweramp I'd prefer his limited time goes into features rather than keeping up with whatever trend Google is playing with this week.

Form over function is rarely a wise move - unless you are selling fashion or artwork. Or maybe iPhones.


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Yes. Material design is not only "trendy new look" but general concept of apps interface , which makes it more understandable and responsive and the use of the material guides will help improve not only the appearance but also Poweramp significantly improve usability. I really hope that the author will pay attention to this aspect, since the current interface remained at the level of applications for old Android 2.3

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As I agree that the audio quality and functionality is top priority before all the other stuff, i still think there should be time for UI Updates.

Besides, in my opinion, Poweramp has enough features. I mean, sure other features need to be added(i'd be happy if reverb would be considered) but I think Poweramp is doing good enough to where the Developer can spend time redesigning the interface. Like I think the Developer should at least make small upgrades to the UI every so often. Like start with "Folders" or "Library" page and work from there. Do something.

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