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Poweramp playcounts not syncing correctly with iSyncr

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I sync my iTunes playlists with ISyncr, and it has worked great in the past.  ISyncr logs "plays" in Poweramp and syncs that data to and from iTunes. 


Normally, the song would have to actually play either completely or to a preset percentage of the song lengh, but, recently a song is getting logged as "played" immediately after being loaded into the player.  

After working with the guys as JRT Studios who created ISyncr, they have told me that they determined this issue is with Poweramp. Poweramp sends the "playcount" intent regardless of if the song is enqueue.


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I also have this problem.

I believe it has something to do with the scrobble feature, as isyncr requires that feature enabled to record playcount.

However, I'm a little skeptical about it being a Poweramp issue, since I encountered exactly the same problem with gmmp.

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Yes, I remember this being a feature in Poweramp. I was led to this forum trying to find out why I couldn't find the feature anymore. 


I find this feature to be particularly useful for my podcasts. My setting in iTunes will keep only unplayed episodes of podcasts - it will delete listened to episodes (how I want it). Sometimes I will skip an episode to come back to later. With this Poweramp feature removed, I'm not sure when Poweramp will consider a podcast 'played', and iTunes may prematurely delete it.


Poweramp team: Please consider this request to return this 'percentage played' feature back to the app. Thank you!

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