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Support for two SD Cards


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I am new to Android and have just bought a Flytouch 2 Android Tablet PC with two 16GB sd cards installed - showing as C: and D:

The Poweramp was one of the first apps I installed, and it is indeed a great player. It looks great on my 10" screen.

I miss the possibility to select a musicfolder on the second sd card (D:) - or to select multible music folders on both cards at the same time.



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  • 1 month later...


I would Like to hear your input on this topic.

The new Samsung Galaxy S2 smartphone reportedly has support for USB OTG (USB On-The-Go) feature and you know what that means right. It means multiple usb peripherials e.g. usb flash drives connected to our Android devices and it would be truly awesome if Poweramp had the ability to access those 'other' disk directories too in the same way as it can access an existing sd card.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...


the Samsung Galaxy SII (S2) as yo already know supports USB On-the-go (OTG) function, it's a great feature that Sammy added :D

..Anyways, the moun point for any externally plugged in usb stick for the OTG is /sdcard/usbStorage/sda

..If a usb hub is attached to the Galaxy S2 with multiple usb sticks plugged in then there would be it could be sda,sdb,sdc etc but sda is the primary usb stick if only one is plugge in ever.

according to these sources;

Hope this helps for if further optimizations for this feature is needed in future Poweramp versions

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, On this date there seems to be no support for two sd cards...

My android file manger sees them both, why can't Poweramp?

I really need this second card guys!



Android 2.1 10 inch tablet

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