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Purchase error as INVALID CREDIT CARD

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I tried to purchase the app via Google Play store, after filling all details and submit, it is giving error messaged as INVALID CREDIT CARD.

As there are options to fill of DEBIT or CREDIT CARD, I filled my DEBIT CARD details, but getting error message like this.


So, how can I purchase the app ?

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You can also purchase the app directly from the website here, at http://powerampapp.com/buy-Poweramp/

But if your credit card is not showing as valid for Google purchases, it might not work elsewhere either.


Buying from play store from india is only 62.40/-

But purchasing directly, it is costing me above 240/-

Why you people don't support internet banking or debit card transaction ?

Use the technology man...grow up.

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You can also purchase the app directly from the website here, at http://powerampapp.com/buy-Poweramp/

But if your credit card is not showing as valid for Google purchases, it might not work elsewhere either.


Lack of proper support to customers.

Indirectly, you are encouraging cracks for people and getting lose your revenue.

Actually, now I am using the latest version with crack from 1 year, I am not getting any errors or purchase verification errors.


Even I want to use the Poweramp legally, and want to purchase it, but you people are failed to reach all customers make buy the app.

That's your fate, I am happy with the crack.


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You could always get yourself a credit card that Google Play accepts, as that is nothing to do with Poweramp. Use the technology.


Maintaining credit card is not easy process, man.

Have to pay minimum amount yearly, who will give that money.  Do you give ?

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Sorry, you'll have to take that up with your own bank (none of my own credit or debit cards cost me anything, ever - no ongoing fees, and nothing when making payments). So if you can't purchase anything sold via the Google Play store (which is the standard place to get Android apps) how is that Poweramp's fault?? And you also won't purchase from the official site (which is set at exactly the same price as Google Play, $3.99, depending on your local $ exchange rates of course, but again that's nothing to do with Poweramp).

I can't really see what else anyone can do to help you - and discussion of stealing something that you won't/can't pay for is not appropriate here.


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