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Using Playlist


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Hello when I create my own Playlist and add preferred songs, when the song is completed the player does not go to the next song in my Playlist. It will play the next song I assume in alphabetical order, even ringtone if next after songs in list. How can I get my Playlist play songs only in my Playlist and add not everything else on my s4. I assumed there's a way to do it. Thanks for the help

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Once you have created your playlist (assuming you are doing this from within Poweramp), view the Playlist in Library>Playlists and click on the first song that you wish to play. That should start the song playing in Playlist mode, rather than in All Songs order. If you just want the playlist to start at the beginning, long-press on the Playlist's name to bring up the submenu and press the play button. Oh, and make sure Shuffle is turned off in the player screen.

For a song to be available for a playlist to play (either an internal Poweramp list or an external M3U one) it must be in the overall Poweramp Library first - to select which folders you wish to include, use the Settings>FoldersAndLibrary>MusicFolders selector to choose which parts of your Android file system you want to include (i.e. your music folders) or exclude (your notification tones, etc).


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