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Poweramp stops playing (wlan)

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Hey all,


At first; i have to tell you, that my englisch is really bad :-D - So sorry for bad spelling/grammatics, etc...

But i just could not find any Poweramp Forums in my language...


I have a Samsung Galaxy S3 LTE (Android 4.3)

My Version is the unlocked Edition of Poweramp; always the newest Version.



Now i will try to explain my Problem:


In the past; Poweramp really often completely crashed; but this is fixed now fortunately.


But now; i have a new Problem: Whenever my Samsung Galaxy S3 LTE (Android 4.3) receives a new wlan

(As Example, when i go into a house with aktive wlan) or the wlan-connection is lost (When i leave a house with wlan);

Poweramp always stops playing. It does not crashs or something else, it just stops playing. When i press the Play-Button;

it resumes Playing without any Problems.


But this really, really annoys me! -.-


Can you help me? - Thank you!


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I have this same problem on my Galaxy S4 mini (latest version of Poweramp installed). It was fine for months (and on my old S1) and only recently started stopping playback of its own accord. Its not the Headphone resume/pause function as I disabled that and still got the problem. After reading this thread I disabled the WiFi and the problem has gone. 

So it is definitely to do with WLAN turning on or off that stops playback. Eg. Wifi turns off automatically to save battery after a while and thats when the playback stops. 

Hope you can fix this as otherwise I love this player!

  • 6 months later...

Thanks for this topic. I have had the same issue but couldn't work out what it was.

It only happens when I'm at the borderline of my wifi connection which happens to be where I listen to most of my music.


From now on I'll turn wifi off on my phone, but I do see this a temporary fix.


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