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Mono or pan/balance control


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Another feature that would be really helpful and often gets left out of player controls is the ability to control the stereo mix. My brother can't hear out of one ear so whenever he listens to headphones, he only gets half of the mix. Would it be possible to work a balance or pan control into the EQ settings? Or to make an option to combine the stereo channels into a mono mix?

Thanks again.

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  • 1 month later...

I second the request. It is perhaps understandable that this is often overlooked as an important feature for anyone with unequal hearing between left and right ears. It is especially important in mp3 players (most don't have it I believe) and music player apps for phones.

My hearing loss in my right ear is getting to be just enough that when I listen to music through my earbuds, the sound seems a little off center biased to the left. Maybe from those years of playing guitar standing in front of an amp in the 70's ;)

I know I'm not the only one. A balance control would make Poweramp so much more usable by people with asymmetric hearing and even make it the preferred choice. If you add this feature, you should emphasize it in the features list. Us poor boomers are entering the years where slight hearing imbalance can make earbud listening much less enjoyable unless it can be compensated for with a balance control.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I made a request similar to this one. Being able to control the channels of each song.

viewtopic.php?f=1&t=693 ---- there

There's a program called audacity that I use to manipulate the tracks by splitting the mp3 into two parts than on the bottom half, invert the audio and switch both from stereo to mono, to cut out the lead vocals and some bass. Really cool and great for creating instrumentals out of the original tracks, depending on the song. Some songs work and others sound scratchy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd also find this feature really useful. I use Poweramp to listen to music at work, but just plug one earphone so I can hear if anyone's talking to me, or my (desk) phone rings. If I could set the sound from the earphones to be mono, that would perfect! :-)

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Loaded your trial. Great product, didn't have the ONE thing I was looking for: a left / right balance control. I have a special need, I sing 4 part harmony and learn my parts from learning MP3s that have my part (baritone) on the left and the other 3 parts on the right. In the process of learning, I start with the balance control to the left and gradually move it to the right. However a balance control is a feature that many people with unbalanced hearing have been asking Apple to put in the iPod for years.

Please email me when this feature becomes available!

Thanks much.

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Dear developers,

Further to previous discussions, allow me to input a small comment. To be perfectly frank, people with unbalanced hearing account for slightly less than 100% of the population of our planet. Most earphones available are not entirely balanced either. The problem is that for the majority of uses who notice that, only a minuscule adjustment is needed. Moreover, in most cases this adjustment needs to be done once and forever.

This is why I believe that a circular knob is (1) unnecessary, because it is supposed to be used extremely rarely; (2) not accurate enough due to the relative roughness of finger motions combined with the screen response tolerance. I suggest that a menu item be added to allow the user to input a numerical value, say, -100 to 100. The greater the range, the better. This solution will save screen space too.

I strongle hope you will find my suggestion useful.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Maxmpz, it's been two months since you said "soon" - and we don't have any sign it's in progress or scheduled for any reasonable time. By no means am I trying to pressure you, but I just feel I need to re-emphasize the importance of this issue, because it's related to the very basic function of the player, which is listening to music.

I hope for your understanding of the fact that we experience this problem each and every day, every single time we turn the music on. The inconvenience is physical. And it's really hard to keep on waiting without knowing when or if this is going to be resolved.

Thanks, mate. You're doing an exceptional job anyway.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Hi, I'd also like to request that it be possible to swap l and r channels for people, such as myself, who sometimes have to wear their earphones backwards (for using the mic), or for other people who have their heads on backwards (we all know people like that).

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

The balance control is a good start, and is the reason I downloaded this app, but I need it to completely cut out traffic from the left channel when it's cranked all the way to the right, and vice versa. That's how my stereo works, that's how my car works, etc. I need it, as many others do, for some acappella learning tracks. Language tracks also often use the L-R tracks discretely.

The guy who said to enable mono after balance (I.e, play only the right track via both channels) would also be a killer feature!

Think about it.

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