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How to keep locked on file & remember paused position

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Phone: LG Optimus S (LS670)

PAmp version: 2.0.6 build 508 Full

Background: I listen to a lot of talk radio .mp3 files recorded directly from radio station streams; the files are usually 2 hours long. I keep them in the same folder on my SD card.

I pause playing while listening to a file, hit the "home" button and lock the phone. After some period of minutes, I unlock the phone and when I resume PAmp it goes to the beginning of a completely different file.

Question 1: Is there a way to lock PAmp to not change track (file) no matter what, and to keep its position within the file?

Question 2: Is there any existing function that will permit me to present a button to punch to get a 30 second skip forward... or do I need to ask for this as a feature request. Ideally, it would function like my DirecTV 30 second skip: If I punch it 5 times, it will skip forward 150 seconds.



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Q1: Sounds like a bug, Poweramp is meant to remember the playback position within the current track, even if you exit the app, lock the phone and come back later. It does that for me anyway, and I listen to a lot of long radio/podcasts too. Otherwise, trying to get back to 1h 10m 30s within a two-hour show is an absolute nightmare! Make sure you Pause (short press on the button) rather than Stop (long press) playback though.

Q2: I wish, I wish, I wish... I've suggested numerous times that we need Skip Forward and Skip Backward buttons (30 secs for forward and 10 secs for backward would be my suggestion, but it'd be even better to have user-settable options for both skip distances).

We've also asked Max for generally better long-track support in the future, so that Poweramp could store the playback positions of all such tracks. That way you could pause any radio show or podcast, listen to some other music in the meantime, and then go back to where you left off. We've also requested an option to remove podcasts/radio shows/audiobooks from the Shuffle system, as when you're listening to random music you don't really want a one-hour podcast, or a random chapter of an audiobook, to suddenly get selected.


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Here is sequence that fails 100% of the time:

Begin playing mp3 file --> slide to midpoint of file --> PAUSE BUTTON --> home key --> LOCK phone --> unlock phone --> Hit PAmp icon --> get ! List Finished message.

I have submitted a bug report using the BUG REPORT FORM.

Could you also send in a support request from within the app, that really helps us the most to solve any issues.


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