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Poweramp Equalizer doesn't auto start with Spotify or Youtube Music

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I am a long time user of Poweramp player and absolutely love it. I recently began listening to Spotify but hated its Eq (it dropped the volume). I checked PA EQ from play store & it sounded amazing. I immediately bought it. Now I am facing a small but annoying problem. 

The Poweramp EQ app does not start up with Spotify or Youtube Music. I have to make sure those media apps are not in memory. Then fire up PA EQ first & then start those apps for the eq to take effect. 

Is there any way to auto start the PA EQ app each time Spotify or YT Music is started?

I am on MIUI Global 12.1.4 


Edited by Crisender
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  • Solution

As long as the PA-EQ is active, and the media player software is already listed and enabled in its Known Players list, it should detect and equalize output from that app. Have a check in the Settings panel for those specific apps, and see if adjusting any of the Session options helps. 


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