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Feature Request for shortcut.

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There's no such thing as a "liked Category", just a liked song which you can do by tapping the Thumbs Up icon on the Player screen. If that is not currently shown for you, enable it with Settings=>Look and Feel=>Player Screen=>Rating Type.

You can add the currently playing song to a playlist by long-pressing anything in the cover artwork area and tapping "Add to Playlist".


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No, as that long-press function is about how to launch the player app, it doesn't know anything about what song may be currently playing. It would be possible to implement Like/Unlike buttons in a homescreen Widget, but currently they do not offer that functionality. 

The closest thing to what you are asking (and probably actually easier than finding the Poweramp icon in your homescreens and long-pressing on it) would be to add 'Like' and/or 'Unlike' buttons to the media swipe-down notification panel:

You can change those outer two icons in various ways via PA Settings=>Look and Feel=>Notifications=>Buttons:


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