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Importing playlists from wmp 10

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First, you need to make sure the music folder hierarchy is the same on both your Windows PC and your phone - i.e. the names of the subfolders and the audio files within them must be the same on both devices. Playlists are nothing more than a list of pointers to specific file locations. Note: PA is able to compensate for the fact that your Windows playlist paths will start with stuff that's not in your Android device (such as C:\Users\yourname\Music\etc\etc) just as long as the filename and the immediate parent folder match exactly.

Then copy the playlist file(s) over from your Windows PC to your Android device - most commonly .M3U format, but .WPL and .PLS should work too - by USB cable transfer or your file copying method of choice. Save the playlist files to a location that Poweramp has been given permission to scan - i.e. one of the places that you have defined in PA Settings=>Library=>Music Folders, or add a new location to that list if you want to keep the Playlist files somewhere else. PA's music scanner should notice the new files on its next background scan, or you can force an immediate Rescan via the menu if you wish.


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