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Same album cover on multiple albums

Go to solution Solved by andrewilley,

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I installed the trial version on my Siecane car android player. 

I'm seeing the same album cover for a lot (but not all) albums. Some of the albums are showing the correct album cover. I'm guessing it has something to do with the files and structure on the USB? I don't mind having some albums represented with a generic album cover image, suggestion on how to do that? 

Also, is there an official video tutorial for the latest PA version? I'm messing around with it, trying to see what does what, how to switch to the screen with the Play/Pause, Next/previous song, etc. Would love to watch a video on the basics.

Last: I am impressed with the support here, what's the best way to go from the trial version to the paid version? Is there a "buy" option in the trial version or should I just uninstall the trial and install and buy the paid version?


thanks and keep up the good work!

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Album art is derived either from embedded images that are already stored within the music files in question, or downloaded from the internet "on the fly" when you first access a file - e.g. to play it or view it in a list - and then cached for later use.

There are no official tutorials, although I guess someone out there might have made one of their own? There are some general guides for first time users, in https://forum.powerampapp.com/kb/en_us/guides/

To purchase Poweramp, if you have already downloaded the trial version from the Google Play Store, just pay for and download the unlocker app which will provide permanent access (once the licence has been in initially validated online). That is all covered in the setup section of the above guides anyway.



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5 hours ago, Neal Stevens said:

Great, thanks. I'll go through the guide carefully. I found the option in the trial version to buy it and did so. 

If you bought from the Poweramp website (usually for a directly download APK file) then the licence is for one device at a time only. If you bought from the Google Play Store, the licence is valid on as many devices as you want (with a fairly large "fair use" limit) as long as they all use the same Google account.


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Nice, I found the way to update the album art. Am still trying to see how to change out the default "no album art" image, though. And I figured out how to switch between the interfaces, just have to know where to tap. Thanks for your help, that's what sold me on this app.

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