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Show artist image instead of album covers in the player screen and in the album/song list


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Hi to all,

I'm using this app and i like it but i would prefer to see the image of the artist in the player screen instead of the album cover.

I don't like too much to see an image related to that song or the album, I would like to see always the same artist's image for every song of that artist.

Is it possible? And is there a way to show the artist image also in the album/song list?




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There's no automatic way to apply the images that were downloaded for Artists to the Player Screen for every song of theirs, but I've moved this to the Feature Requests section for you.

You could do it manually of course, by downloading and applying a photo of an Artist for each Album in the Library, but that might be a somewhat laborious task. You could also do it as a batch process if you insert a photo of the artist into every audio file by them as Cover Artwork (using a batch tag editor) but that would mean your audio files would permanently lose their correct cover artwork in the process.


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Thanks for the answer :-)
I've almost all the songs inside the same folder and the files have two tags: Artist and Song Title. All the other tags are blank.
It would be nice to download a cover for the song based only on the Artist tag.
Or, since the app already downloads the artist image, use this one also for the song.
Hoping to see this feature in the future, anyway it is not a problem and doesn't affect the use of this wonderful app

Thanks again,

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PA will make best guesses for auto-downloading covers based on only Title and Artist, but results could be a bit random as there might be multiple results. Usually a Single cover will get returned.

I can't see it being an obviously popular feature to always display an Artist image rather than a Song image, but you never know.


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