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Changing Thumbnails within Folders Hierarchy

Go to solution Solved by andrewilley,

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I just purchased a Hiby R5 Gen 2 and installed Poweramp as my go-to player. I primarily use the "Folders Hierarchy" view because my library is organized by "/Decade/Year/Artist-Album". As is, the app automatically chooses each folder's thumbnail image as the album art of the first song in the terminal folder when everything is sorted alphabetically and numerically. For example, the thumbnail for the "1980's" folder is Angel Witch - Angel Witch because that album was from 1980 (1980 < 1981 < 1982 etc.) and because, within the "1980" folder, the "Angel Witch - Angel Witch" folder is the first alphabetically. Is there a way to manually choose the thumbnail image for each folder level? I have tried playing around with folder.jpg's, but that hasn't worked. If this is not possible, I would like to suggest it has a feature.

Ideally, I would like to change the thumbnail for "1980's" to the artwork from my favorite album from the 1980's, and so on for other decades. And I would like to change the thumbnail for "/1980's/1980" to my favorite album from 1980, and so on for other individual years.

I'm on the most recent version of Poweramp, and my device is running Android 8.1.0.


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The method you need to use for overriding folder images is placing a folder.jpg image inside the location that you want to alter. Otherwise, as you say, PA will pick an image from one of the contained song files. Technically I believe that would be based on the first file that is returned by the low-level file system during a directory crawl (i.e. before any sorting has taken place) which will depend on a number of factors, but for a freshly created directory that would probably the first file that was ever copied into it.


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