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Automatic resuming the playback in the car


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My phone paired with car media center via bluetooth, and Poweramp automaticaly starts to play every time when I next to the running car. Let's say for example: I just start the car, and Poweramp immediately starts playing something from my library. I shut it down, exit the car left it running, and when I am back Poweramp starts again. It is very annoying.

In settings I turned off "Resume on bluetooth", but it doesn't help.

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I suspect the car head-unit is probably issuing a MEDIA_PLAY or MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE event, which Poweramp is simply obeying. To check this, when it next happens have a look in PA Settings > Headset/Bluetooth > Last Processed Commands. PA ignores commands received immediately after a connection is established for just that reason, but perhaps the device is sending the commands after a while?


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I have same problem. It only started doing this recently. When car starts Poweramp starts playing, even if i was listening to other app (like some radio app). Poweramp stops radio app and start playing. this also happens when i listen to radio app in the car, then pick up a phone call, then when call is finished - Poweramp starts playing again. even if it was not playing before, even if the app was not even running in background..   resume on connection is set to off. android 12, samsung s21+.  

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I've noticed this a few times over the last week or so in Android Auto, it hasn't happened to me before. I wonder if the threshold delay for ignoring commands from the head-unit has somehow changed? I'll take a Last Processed  Commands Log when it next happens (you can find this in PA Settings > Headset/Bluetooth).


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