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Use a different google account

Nithin Balan

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No, licences (like any other Google Play purchase) are linked to that specific Google account. If you deleted it completely (as in removed it from Google totally, not just from your phone) then you will have lost any purchases you made with it. If the account is still active, you could put in back onto your device for now to install, and then remove it after the licence has been validated. Of course if the licence ever needs re-validating, you would need the original account back again.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi guys

I bought the licence for my old cellular phone and it is working well. After that I installed it in my new celular but it showed the message that the licence was not bought. When I try to buy it Google shows the message that the app was already bought.

How do I do to fix that? Can I export the licence to my new celular? 


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