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Strong and sharp "sh" & "tch" sound?


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1 hour ago, monkeybutt said:

I have no idea how to describe this, but some music with lyrics that have strong "sh" or "tch" sounds very strong and sharp it sometimes hurts my ear. I don't know what causes it, could be the shitty music file or the headset. Is there any way I can mitigate this effect on Poweramp?

I'd try another Brand/Make/Model of headset first if you can to verify that isn't the issue. If the original recording or version of the rip you are using has this distortion, you may need to find a new source if possible. The last resort is to use the equalizer to reduce the level of the frequency range that is bothering you. But this should be a last resort, since it will affect other tacks as well.

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