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I can't figure out how to make Poweramp display songs strictly by album name and not treat songs as belonging to different albums if the album artists are different for one or more songs.  I have an album with 100 different album artists and end up having 100 different album icons on my home screen (see attached picture).  I want to be able to have just one icon for the entire album.


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If you have 100 different 'Album Artists', then you have (by definition) 100 different albums - that's what the tag is for, to attribute an overall artist name for the whole album.

For a number of songs by different artists to be considered as being part of the same overall album (e.g. a soundtrack collection) they must have matching Album Title and Album Artist tags - often the Album Artist tag would be "Various Artists" for collections. The Track Title and Track Artist tags can be anything you like though, as those may vary song by song.


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If you've got 100+ files mistagged, I'd suggest using a batch tag editor on a computer to copy them to the correct locations, save a bit of typing.

TagScanner for example could copy all of your varying Album Artist tags over to the normal Artist tags in one batch task, which from your screenshot would appears to be the solution to your problem (then set all the Album Artist tags for collection albums to "Various Artists" or something similar).


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