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Poweramp stopped working. Library issues.

Alberto Mira

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My full version of Poweramp installed in a Sony NW505 Walkman stopped working without any reason I can identify. It worked fine and then it didn't. I have uninstalled and reinstalled. Turned off the device, rebuilt the database. No luck. There are several problems, but the main one is that I can't open the albums section in the library. My player has a touchscreen which works fine in other applications, but when I press "Albums" in the library screen it simply does not respond. Also, after I close the app and reopen it, I find it hard to get to the library screen. What I get when I open the app is a particular song. I can move from one song to another by swiping the screen, but have no clear access to the albums library from there (I can open directly into the library if I press the Poweramp icon for a few seconds, but of course when I get there I can´t get to the album list). Finally, even if I have selected "List" or "Compact List" from the view options, I stubbornly get a grid view for the albums when I get to them. Any clues why suddenly all of these issues developed?

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Thanks Andre. Apologies, my mistake: It's Sony NW ZX5057walkman, which has full Android functionality. I am not aware of an update, although the wifi was open. The issues started happening, strangely, very suddenly. Not sure about the skin, but I did not change anything between the moment it worked and the moment it did not work. Whatever the skin was, it was the same when the app was working fine (I worked wonderfully for a month with no bugs at all). The software version for the Walkman is 4.04.00, but it does not say when the latest update was. The one odd thing I noticed when Poweramp stopped working well was that the Sony Music Up was updating the database. But I can´t see why that is conneceted to Poweramp: the database in Poweramp is correct and it has even the most recent additions to the system library.

The worst thing I guess is that the "Albums" section in the library takes much longer to open than it used to (I have disabled the scan everytime the app opens, as I have not been adding any music).


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Probably Android 9 then, unless Sony have updated it (not sure what their 4.04.00 includes). PA itself could have updated if you installed it via the Play Store (most recently released version is build 911). So something like Folders or Artists view works fine, but Albums category takes a long time to load?

Have you tried a FULL Rescan (in PA Settings > Library ) in case something has corrupted the database? It does sound like file access issues though; presumably your music is on an SD Card, so might be worth putting that into a computer, back it up and re-format the card, and then copy everything back again.


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Thanks Andre, will try the second solution, as I have done several full rescan since the issue started yesterdad (both in the app and in the walkman). Will check whether the issue is in the SD card. Having said that, the library appears intact in the Sony Music App. I still want to use Poweramp as it's much better. 


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