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DVC, LG V50, and Poweramp build 905


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Hello all!

I'vé recently stumbled upon the Settings and Tweaks thread for the best audio experience in PA. While changing the settings, I discovered my Wired/AUX settings had DVC disabled, and, consequently, I re-enabled it; unfortunately, since then, my PA volume output has lowered significantly, needing around 58-59 to reach the same "loudness" I had at 46 before DVC. Is this the intended behavior? Is there anything I am missing or misconfiguring?

Thanks in advance!

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DVC (Direct Volume Control) allows PA more direct access to the device's audio circuity with less going on between the source data and the DAC. It can often result in different absolute volume levels - usually DVC tends to be louder as it doesn't need so much headroom allowance, but not always. Check to see what settings are in place for headroom gain in the DVC menu for example.


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27 minutes ago, andrewilley said:

DVC (Direct Volume Control) allows PA more direct access to the device's audio circuity with less going on between the source data and the DAC. It can often result in different absolute volume levels - usually DVC tends to be louder as it doesn't need so much headroom allowance, but not always. Check to see what settings are in place for headroom gain in the DVC menu for example.


Hello, thanks for the response!

In the DVC menu, I can see DVC on, and I have adjusted the no DVC headroom slider to 0. Moving the knob makes no difference. The only way I can raise the volume is by enabling RG and upping the "no RG info" knob to around 7dB (I need around +12 dB for the volume to match the previous level).

I have also disabled headroom and EQ settings for wired and AUX, since I don't EQ at all.

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The 'No DVC Headroom' knob only affects the gain when DVC is disabled, not when it is in use. -6dB would be the normal setting for non-DVC playback. DVC settings can be overridden by the Output menu too. ReplayGain is also designed to reduce overall output gain in most cases - the spec target is for peaks to be -14dB from digital maximum for example. DVC is generally better quality, but if you prefer more volume at the risk of distortion or clipping, just turn the volume up (either the master device volume, or ReplyGain, or preamp in the EQ screen)


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